Skaraborg and Sweden are not the same. The corona virus has put our country and the rest of the world in a difficult situation that is unique.
We want to start by expressing great gratitude to all the people who work in health care in our municipalities and in our region. They do vital work for both those affected and those who are protected against the virus. A big thanks also to the volunteer forces that in various ways help and support those who quarantine their homes for various reasons. It is in these times that solidarity is tested.
Within the labor movement, we have had to rethink our traditional May 1st celebration. Instead of the regular rallies and meetings, this year’s rally will be digital. So we don’t establish, we change. Through social networks you can follow national, regional and local elements.
The May 1 change is an example of the importance of complying with the recommendations of the Public Health Authority and others. We are in the midst of the pandemic and it is important that we endure and stick together. It is important that we avoid crowdfunding and that we respect distance and avoid spreading the infection as much as we can.
The fact that Sweden has chosen a different path than many other countries during the pandemic is a confidence based on the fact that we as residents understand that it is serious and that we follow the recommendations of the authorities. Only together can we prevent the situation in the crown from becoming overwhelming.
With these lines, we would like to once again thank all the employees who do a great job in the public sector in Skaraborg and encourage all residents to follow the recommendations on how we should act.
The motto of May 1 of this year is: A stronger society. It is together that we create this. In the same way, only together can we manage the pandemic in progress in a way that prevents its spread as much as possible.
Municipal and opposition social democratic councils in Skaraborg municipalities
Niclas EringsforsEssunga
Ingvor BergmanFalköping
Petter JohanssonGrästorp
Carina GullbergGold pliers
Åsa KarlssonThe gods
Pierre RydénHello
Jonas DavidssonKarlsborg
Jonas Sundström, Lidköping
Ida EkerothMariestad
Fredrik NordströmSkara
Johan asksSkövde
Rolf ErikssonTibro
Anna-Karin TreasureTidaholm
Karin ArvidssonTöreboda
Fredrik NelanderProduct
This is an opinion piece and the content is the opinion of the writer or the writer.