A betrayal of international law, Lars Adaktusson


Final answer to the EU sanctions against Israel


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When Lars Adaktusson defends Israel's abuses, including an annexation of the West Bank, he joins those in history who have failed both democracy and international law. Final answers of nine debaters.

Photo: TT

When Lars Adaktusson defends Israel’s abuses, including an annexation of the West Bank, he joins those in history who have failed both democracy and international law. Final answers of nine debaters.

Farewell shot. Outside of blind trust in a state, something good rarely comes.

When Lars Adaktusson May 9 in the Aftonbladet Debate defends the abuse of Israel, including the annexation of West Bank slated for July 1, it joins those in history who have failed both democracy and international law.

Palestinians, through Israel’s actions, become a people deprived of their human and civil rights. In the same area of ​​land there are two people, one with rights and the other without rights. It is a crime against humanity.

The only appropriate response from the European Union is sanctions, as well as trade and movement restrictions.

A consistent response in relation to international law deserves both Russia and Israel. Russia due to the annexation of Crimea. Israel on the basis of an annexation of the West Bank.

Olle Katz, President, Jews for Israeli Palestinian Peace, JIPF
Staffan Granér, Jews for Israeli Palestinian Peace, JIPF
Anna Karin Hammar, Kairos Palestine – Sweden
Lena Lönnqvist, Kairos Palestine – Sweden
Marita Ulvskog, Former Vice President of the Palestinian delegation to the European Parliament, President of the Palm Center
Pierre schori, former prime minister and UN ambassador
Anna Wester President, Palestinian groups in Sweden
Kenneth Kimming, President, friends of Sabel in Sweden
Evert Svensson, Swedish Palestinian Committee, Member of Parliament

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The text is a final reply. Read the full discussion here

