Sweden may have had more crown infection from the start



When more countries report the spread of the infection earlier than previously known, some questions end.

Is the death toll the only fact about how well a country has been successful in its fight against the crown?

Or is it as much luck as bad luck?

The corona virus appears to have the ability to hit certain areas hard, while others have been much easier so far.

Many have seen that some countries have been very good at fighting the coronavirus, while others have been weak or have made mistakes. But what if it really gets more treated when the virus entered a country and how long the infection lasted before it was discovered? More a matter of luck and bad luck.

The problem is highlighted by the fact that France had already found a case of corona infection in December, before China even reported to the WHO that the virus was detected in Wuhan. And a month before France until now he thought he had his first case.

A covid-19 patient is receiving intensive care in France.

Photo: Daniel Cole / AP

A covid-19 patient is receiving intensive care in France.

France is one of the countries severely affected by the virus. Even in Italy, another of the worst affected countries, there are indications that the virus had already existed for some time in rich Lombardy when the first case was identified, the so-called super propagator. Despite two months of quarantine, this region remains the most affected.

The virus seems to establish itself in groups.

Subsequently, the US USA They established through DNA testing that there was a death in covid-19 as early as February, despite the initial death being initially detected on February 29. This is also a sign that the infection was in society much earlier than expected.

Unnoticed spread

This may have been the case in other countries as well. Because many infected people have no symptoms or become very ill, the infection may have spread without being noticed before serious cases appeared in hospitals.

Initially, hospitals may not have paid enough attention to people who died from respiratory problems or illnesses who have had flu-like symptoms.

In China, the first known cases of covid-19 appeared in mid-December. But it was a while before you realized it was a new disease. It was not until December 31 that China informed the WHO about the unknown influenza-like infection.

Wuhan is a city with 12 million inhabitants. With the neighboring cities, it forms a unit with 50 million inhabitants. Before the outbreak, flights went directly from Wuhan to Europe, the United States, the Middle East, and the rest of Asia.

Wuhan was quarantined only on January 23. In other words, for at least a month, people infected with corona may have transmitted the infection to, for example, Europe and the United States long before the city was closed and all connections were interrupted.

No infection tracking

But just as it took time for China to discover the new disease, it was obviously the same in France, the United States, and perhaps other countries.

Once countries began to take action, the infection may have spread much more than expected.

There has been a lot of talk in Sweden about athletes who returned from northern Italy and were carefully tracked. But on the same flight in the opposite direction there were Italian tourists visiting Sweden. Some of them may have been infected and transmitted the virus without any infection having been detected in Sweden.

Photo: Björn Lindahl

Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

Sweden has significantly more deaths than its Nordic neighbors. Is it because our neighbors had a period of restrictions while Sweden was more open? Or could it be that Sweden had more infected from the start?

The statistics of infected people reported by each country are misleading, since there are so few that are tested and the countries do very different tests.

The New York Times magazine had an interesting review yesterday about why some countries were more affected than others. Iran severely affected more than 6,000 dead (the opposition claims that there are more than 30,000 dead) with neighboring Iraq with less than one hundred dead. How is the difference explained?

Luck or bad luck?

Large western metropolises, such as Paris, New York and London, have been greatly affected, while other large cities such as Bangkok, New Delhi and Lagos have been very easy to escape.

It can’t be alone due to warmer weather. In the Amazon with warm weather, the virus has killed thousands.

Eastern Europe is much less affected than Western Europe. Have they been better to close or is the difference because there are far fewer trips to the east and less infection therefore?

Closed Italy, whose numerous deaths, almost 30,000, are due to the large proportion of the aging population can be compared to Japan, which has remained relatively open and with an even larger population, has handled more than 500 deaths.

For every conceivable explanation, there are other contradicting arguments. It is difficult to find a red thread.

All countries are trying to find their answer to keep the crown center. But luck and luck are difficult to influence.

ofWolfgang Hansson

