Perry Olsson leaves Norway to go to the Swedish ski team.


Over the past season, the Swedish whaling team has come under severe criticism on several occasions and after the season, Anders Niemi decided to resign after just a year in the position as whale manager.

He was replaced by former elite skateboarder Petter Myhlback.

And with him for the upcoming season he will bring with him one of the world’s most deserving ski runners, Perry Olsson, who since 2003 has achieved tremendous success with the Norwegian national team.

Norway’s super runner ready for Sweden

Back in March, SportExpressen was able to reveal that Sweden was chasing Olsson and on Monday night the cross country team confirmed that Olsson should work for Sweden.

– We’ve been in contact for a few weeks. We now have a clear idea of ​​what you can contribute and what you want to contribute, Petter Myhlback says in a press release.

– It feels incredibly good. Now we can get on with the other pieces of the puzzle and start this business as early as May. We are better this time this year. Now we have more time to put the team together really well.

It will be Olsson’s role in the national team.

Olsson will mainly have the role of ensuring that Swedish skiers’ ski parks are optimized. Something Olsson is very good at, according to his own statement.

“I have extensive knowledge of grazing, but my strength is my ability to choose the right ski pair for the competition,” he says.

– It feels a bit overwhelming but very inspiring with something new.

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