European students back to the school bench




A classroom in German Frankfurt. Stock Photography.

Photo: Michael Probst / AP / TT

A classroom in German Frankfurt. Stock Photography.

After weeks of distance education and being at home, schoolchildren in Europe are now beginning to return to the school bank.

In several countries, other virus-related restrictions are also beginning to be removed.

In Germany, hundreds of thousands of fourth graders and graduates are expected to return to school, while others may stay home for a time, according to the DPA news agency. School decisions are made in Germany at the state level and the rules differ in different parts of the country.

Masking and scrolling

In Austria, around 100,000 graduates from upper secondary and vocational schools can return to their schools, reports Die Presse. However, many can wait an additional two weeks, until May 18, when around 700,000 schoolchildren between the ages of 6 and 14 are welcome, according to the newspaper. In a third step, another 300,000 students are expected to return to school on June 3. To prevent the spread of contagion, mask and turn requirements are introduced so that not all students are in the classroom at the same time.

Other restrictions in Europe are now lifting the restrictions that have been introduced to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. In Portugal, small shops, hairdressing salons and car dealerships can resume operations, while residents are encouraged to stay home as much as possible, reports the AFP news agency. In Poland, hotels, museums and shops are open.

140,000 dead

In Italy, the worst affected country in Europe, for the first time in nine weeks, the population can now walk more and visit relatives, according to AFP. Several million may return to their jobs in construction and factories, and restaurants may open for takeout.

In total, more than 140,000 Europeans died in covid-19, while 1.4 million were confirmed to be infected, according to a Reuters news agency.

