Olympic runners defend accused coach Andrea Dohany


A week ago, SportExpress published a review for Team Surprise, a synchronized figure skating team, but which is now closed.

There, SportExpressen was able to testify to riders’ witnesses, who accused coach Andrea Dohany of intimidation and weight. An audio recording also showed how Dohany was heard commenting on the weight of a rider.

– You have not come down, you have gone up. You don’t see it, do you? You don’t know You look the same as before. That is why I am asking. Do you check your weight? The coach will say.

The article was the latest in a wide variety of revelations and testimonials from Swedish figure skating, where testimonies of an unhealthy psychosocial environment emerged.

But star Anita Östlund, who was Sweden’s only skier at the 2018 South Korea Olympics, does not recognize when she has participated in the report.

In a longer post, which he emailed to SportExpressen and also posted on his Instagram, he takes Dohany and Sport on Defense.

In an email to SportExpressen, she writes that she wants to highlight the positive with figure skating, and “the joy she and many others feel” about the sport.

She begins her post by writing:

“Elitidrott. A concept that, according to many people, is difficult to define. Where do you want to set the boundary between the sports you play for fun and the sports sports where you train to reach the top? Personally, I have to say that racing Elite begin when an individual decides to take the next step, a step that will involve discipline, mental strength and endurance, willpower and the willingness to accept the fact that one will have to sacrifice part of his life, to give everything to sports. Not because someone tells you, but because you want to.

There is one person I have known for almost 8 years who has demonstrated all of this. A person who is behind the success of all Team Surprise and who has done everything, EVERYTHING for that sport. Namely, my coach Andrea Dohany. And I don’t want to speak for anyone else, but what is happening now in Swedish figure skating is strange. “

“Learn to be a good partner”

Anita Östlund also writes that in figure skating you not only learn to jump and spin on the ice.

“You get the knowledge and experience you can take with you, things that no child can learn at school today.

Things like discipline, goals, planning. You learn the importance of having a good balance in everyday life. You learn to deal with stress and nervousness. Learn to manage losses, have patience and the importance of hard work. And you learn to be a good partner, you rejoice in the success of your clubmates and you respect others ”

“You have that responsibility yourself”

Therefore, Östlund believes that the image of figure skating depicted in the media is “extremely negative” and that saddens her.

“However, what saddens me the most is how to introduce coaches to the sport today. Whatever happens, it is always the coaches who receive all the garbage in the media. Runners, on the other hand, are often portrayed as innocent poor people who have never done anything wrong. But you know what? The truth is that nobody is perfect, nobody is perfect. Neither rider nor coach. But let me ask you a question? Who is responsible for wellness and health? Yes, you have that responsibility yourself. ”

Anita Östlund develops her reasoning for SVT Sport:

– I can only talk about what I have seen and experienced. If we take Andrea now, and what has been written, then I feel that she has been very careful with this particular weight.

– Andrea is a very honest person. I don’t want to talk to others, I really don’t know what happened there. I find it hard to believe that many parts of what is standing are true.

“Absolutely unreasonable, she doesn’t intimidate anyone”

She also writes about how grateful she is to train Andrea Dohany.

“I could write much more about how grateful I am for all that Andrea has done for me. What you can read in the article is completely irrational for me. She doesn’t intimidate anyone and when it comes to weight, this is an extremely sensitive topic in Sweden, I get it. And I have to say that I myself do not know how to express myself here so as not to hurt anyone or ask for something unhealthy, and therefore I will not discuss the subject. But all I can say based on my own experience is that Andrea has always been very careful when it comes to weight. ”


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