Hafþór “The Mountain” Björnsson took 501 kilos in goal


First in world history to succeed

ofAndreas Käck


The largest in Westeros, and the strongest in the world.

“Game of Thrones” actor Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, 31, became the first in the history of the world to carry more than 500 kilos in the ground lift.

– I am very happy, he says of the company.

Icelandic bass is best known for his role as Ser Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane in the immensely popular television series “Game of Thrones”. But in addition to his acting career, he also feeds by lifting weights.


In the spring of 2018, the 205-centimeter-long, 200-pound heavyweight star took home the strong man competition “World’s Strongest Man”.

“Very thankful”

And on Saturday, he became the first person in the history of the world to lift more than 500 kilos on the ground.

– I miss the words! I am so happy and grateful to have had this opportunity, especially considering all the trash we are going through in the world right now. Everything went as planned and I feel very lucky, he says later.

What exactly did it lift? 501 kilos.

– Yes, that was enough. In fact, I felt like he had more in me, but I’m incredibly happy with 501, ”says Björnsson.

New giant contract

Immediately after the success, he also revealed that he had signed a new and auspicious sponsorship agreement.

“It is worth a seven-figure sum,” he says, and we can assume that he is speaking in terms of US dollars.

– It is the largest contract I have signed. And this is the biggest success of my life. I am extremely proud of myself.

Footnote: Englishman Eddie Hall held the previous record of 500 pounds, a lift he made in 2016. Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson became the first to lift of 500 kilos

