Those who have dreamed of a trip abroad this summer may have gotten used to the idea that it will probably be difficult this year. Now many point out that recommendations to avoid traveling within Sweden will also be upheld.
The fact that we now want to continue traveling is because there are great differences between different parts of the country. And we should not pour gasoline on the fire in those parts of the country where the spread of infection is slow. It’s good that things go slow, says Anders Tegnell, a state epidemiologist at the Public Health Authority.
TT: What does it take for the trips to be released again?
From the perspective of the Public Health Authority, we have a fairly uniform spread of infection throughout the country, so we do not transmit the infection from those parts that have a lot of infection to those that have less. We are beginning to see signs that things are slowing down in Stockholm and are beginning to move in several of the larger regions.
But even though the spread has leveled off well in the summer, there may be reasons to restrict travel, Tegnell cautions.
Then the subject is left with the burden of medical care. Many municipalities indicate that they cannot receive people who need home care, home care, etc.
He adds that it is not really the area of the Public Health Authority, but mainly a discussion between the state and the respective municipality.