Norway lacks green light for bondholders – talks continue


In a state of stock announcement Norwegian they have received enough yes for 3 out of 4 bond loans. Consequently, the bond owners are not approved for the NAS07 loan, where 62 percent of the owners gave the green light. However, it is marginally below the required 66.66 percent.

“Our dialogue with bondholders continues with the objective of reaching a solution. Unfortunately, it was not possible to get ahead of the deadline, but we will continue discussions over the weekend, ”Norwegian CEO Jacob Schram said in the stock exchange announcement.

What President Jacob Schram previously called “the latest offer” is that half of the debt and 80 percent of a so-called $ 150 million convertible bond loan must be repaid with the shares. In addition, the proceeds from the sale of the most lucrative outings at Gatwick in London are deposited as collateral.

The four Norwegians’ personnel companies in Sweden and Denmark, with a total of 4,700 pilots and cabin workers, filed for bankruptcy just over a week ago.
