In recent years, the police escalator has sparked major protests among the country’s soccer fans. Now it’s just a memory, according to Sef base Mats Enquist.
The scale of conditions is being replaced by a structured and long-term cooperation between the police and the associations, he announces.
“Meeting with the Police today about the new national sports strategy. The scale of conditions disappears and is replaced by a structured and long-term collaboration between the police / sports / association. The great dialogue we’ve had for a long time results in a really good message! NOW we will work together! “writes Mats Enquist on Twitter.
Has been criticized previously
Basically, the scale of conditions is a tool in which the police authority, depending on the state of affairs, can establish in several steps the conditions for the clubs that organize public events.
The term ladder has previously been criticized by various soccer stars, including Ola Toivonen and Pontus Jansson, who in February issued an open letter to police.
– It was “Ponne” (Pontus Jansson) who got in touch with his initiatives. We had some questions behind us, and in the end we thought it was a good initiative. It is not a declaration of war, but a call to resume dialogue between supporters and the police, Toivonen said at the time.