“The vaccine provides good protection; few get COVID-19 afterward”


So-called “breakthrough infections”, in which someone gets sick despite receiving vaccines, are few in Sweden, shows the first compilation from the Public Health Agency. To date, around 200 cases of Covid-19 of this type have been identified.

– No vaccine provides 100% protection and breakthrough infections occur in all types of vaccines. When it comes to vaccination against covid-19, early analyzes show that the number of infections in Sweden is in line with expectations, state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell says in a press release on Tuesday.

In total, it has more than a million people in Sweden they were vaccinated with one dose and around 430,000 people with two doses.

So far, around 6,000 people have been found to have COVID-19 after their first dose of vaccine. Almost 4,000 of them tested positive in the first two weeks after the first dose, that is, before the body had time to create protection, “writes FHM in the press release.

Two weeks after that have received the second dose, the figure is 200 in the number of patients, which corresponds to 0.06 percent of all those vaccinated with two doses.

– The fact that so few people are infected after receiving their second dose of vaccine indicates that the vaccines used against covid-19 in Sweden work well. Even one dose provides protection, but not as effectively, says Anders Tegnell.
