Covid-20: new virus according to Norwegian doctors


From: Amanda Hällsten



More and more young people and people without underlying illnesses are being admitted for covid care in Norway.

Now Norwegian chief physician Jørn Einar Rasmussen is raising the alarm that it is a completely new virus.

– This should actually be called covid-20, he says.

Drammen Hospital in Norway warns that significantly more patients without an underlying disease are admitted for covid care.

The chief infection doctor, Jørn Einar Rasmussen, head of the emergency department at Drammen Hospital, says that now we have to talk about “covid-20”. Dagbladet reports.

– We are facing a completely different virus from the previous one. This should actually be called covid-20, he tells Drammens Tidende.

He fears that even more people have been infected after the Easter weekend.

– We have seen people between 30 and 40 who are now hospitalized. This group was not admitted before and there is no reason to feel safe now. I don’t want to be intimidated, but I think people need to take care of each other now, says Rasmussen.

Coronatest is analyzed at Ullevål Hospital in Oslo, Norway.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Heiko Junge / TT

Coronatest is analyzed at Ullevål Hospital in Oslo, Norway. Stock Photography.

Younger patients than before

On Thursday, Norwegian chief physician Anne Bøen, chief of anesthesia and intensive care physicians at Ullevål hospital in Norway, claimed that patients now in intensive care at the hospital are “a little younger than patients during the first and second wave “. Dagbladet reports.

– Now we have admitted children into the room with covid. We did not have it in the previous phase. Several children have been discharged, and we expect younger patients to tolerate the disease better than older ones, he says.

Photo: Jil Yngland / TT

A nurse on her way to treat covid patients in an isolated ward at Ullevål Hospital in Oslo, Norway.

Chief physician Oona Dunlop, who works in the department of emergency medicine at Oslo University Hospital, also confirms the fact that more and more young patients are being admitted to Norway.

She believes that the explanation for this may lie in the fact that the vaccination of the elderly has been successful.

– The proportion of young people is higher. This is probably due in part to the fact that many of the elderly are now vaccinated and protected. We care about more young people now, he tells Dagbladet, continuing:

– In addition, we know that there are more young people and children infected than before. We see that some get seriously ill, but many get mildly ill, are admitted to the hospital, and quickly come out again.


