The Covert Evidence Lawyer: The Interception Is Completely Arbitrary And Indiscriminate


Attorney Thomas Olsson is currently representing a client in another major lawsuit against gang offenders, in which he has filed a request for all evidence consisting of theft material to be rejected.

– The reason is that we believe that the measure taken to obtain the material has been illegal, says in the Aktuellt tonight.

2020 cracked

The Encrochat communication service, which was popular with organized crime, was hacked by the French police in the spring of 2020. For several months, it was possible to collect millions of messages from phones using the service and to be able to follow in real time what users wrote. , no matter what country they are in.

– The reading of secret data has been used against people who are in Sweden. It is not allowed by international or Swedish law. The interception is completely arbitrary and indiscriminate.

“No violation”

But Daniel Larsson, a chamber prosecutor for the Swedish Environmental Crimes Agency, says otherwise and is convinced that the evidence will not be rejected.

– You can definitely use it, we have a free test exam in Sweden and only in extremely rare cases should tests be rejected. For example, if it was added through torture.

– Here, the French authorities, supported by French law, have obtained this information, which the Swedish prosecutors requested to use in the Swedish preliminary investigations. If you use a foreign communication service, you should be aware that things like this happen, so there are absolutely no violations, says Daniel Larsson.
