The robot became an artist: fashion hooks


Sophia, created by the Hanson Robotics company in Hong Kong, is hooked on the digital trend with NFT, “non-fungible token”. It can be described as a certificate of authenticity in the cyber world, and is included when the play “Sophia Instantiation” goes under the hammer later this week.

– We are heading to a new paradigm, where robots and humans work together in a creative process, he says in a monotonous voice. in a video on Twitter.

NFT is based on blockchains, a technology that will make cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and digital art impossible to counterfeit. It’s a hot trend to say the least right now. An NFT with the digital work “Everydays: The first 5,000 days” by artist Beeple was sold this week for a record sum of 69 million US dollars (585 million crowns) at the auction company Christie’s.

Sophia was first shown in 2016 and is designed with features of the ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, movie star Audrey Hepburn and Amanda Hanson, wife of the lead researcher David Hanson. With the help of AI (artificial intelligence), the robot can, among other things, make simple calls.

In 2017, Sophia was praised by the UN development agency, UNDP. When he visited a trade fair in Riyadh the same year, Saudi Arabia announced that he had been granted citizenship in the country. The regime declared that it was the first time that a robot had become a citizen of any country, while critics called the plot a diversionary maneuver to cover up the abuses of the dictatorship.

Henrik Samuelsson / TT
