New charges against the governor of New York


New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Seth Wenig / AP / TT

New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo. Stock Photography.

Of: TT


New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Seth Wenig / AP / TT

New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo. Stock Photography.


He is already being investigated for sexual harassment. Now, a sixth woman comes forward and accuses the US state of Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, local media report.

Cuomo is accused of fondling the employee under her blouse, according to The Albany Times Union, which cites a “straightforward” source. The employee has not filed any formal reports, but claims that Cuomo has taken several other inappropriate approaches.

The governor, however, denies it. He has also done so regarding previous accusations against him, however, he has apologized for his behavior and said that he will await the results of an independent investigation that has been launched.

Previous allegations have been about sexual harassment and inappropriate gestures.

