Liberals in Skåne want to support Sabuni’s line


The regional board of the Liberals of Skåne says, as expected, yes to the position of the party board on the question of government: Liberals should be able to be part of a bourgeois government, even if it requires the active support of the Swedish democrats .

Torkild Strandberg, chairman of the Skåne Liberals, wants the party to be able to seek SD’s support for a bourgeois government after the next elections. Stock Photography.Picture: Johan Nilsson / TT

It was decided during a meeting Tuesday night.

– The Federal Board voted 10-3, which shows that there is a lot of agreement behind the party board’s proposal, says Torkild Strandberg, city councilor in Landskrona and chairman of the Liberals in Skåne.

You think the decision is good and necessary.

– We as a party have our identity and our DNA in some kind of bourgeois context. The constellation we have been in since the elections has not felt comfortable for the vast majority of voters and members.

The Regional Board’s decision means that it asks Liberals in Skåne to support the party’s board line at the annual meeting on March 22.

The question of the party’s approach to the Swedish Democrats runs deep through the liberals. Party leader Nyamko Sabuni’s position to accept SD support for a bourgeois government was approved by a narrow margin by the party board, 13 votes in favor and 10 against. In the parliamentary group, the figures ranged from 11 to 8.

However, the strong Stockholm union believes that negotiations with both the Swedish Democrats and the Left Party on a possible future government are unthinkable. With the numbers 14-1, therefore, they were placed behind a reserve in the game board of Jan Jönsson and Christer Nylander.

On the other hand, they want the January cooperation to end when the budget for 2022 is established. The Stockholm Association is also positive for a change of power with the ambition that the bourgeois parties of the old Alliance are in government.

The third strong union in L, western Sweden, has previously said they are divided before the party council.

The issue will finally be decided at a party council on March 28. Stockholm, western Sweden and Skåne together have about half of the representatives on the party council.

Torkild Strandberg hopes the party can soon put the issue behind them to focus on factual politics:

– Of course, it is problematic when a party has difficulty concentrating on an issue as important as the issue of government. However, at some point you have to decide what you want and put your foot down, even if the question is difficult. Liberals are doing it right now, and that’s good.


What is a party council?

The Party Council is the second highest decision-making body of the Liberals and must be held every year when there is no national assembly, which is the highest body of the party.

The party council is made up of 65 representatives from the 21 unions and the 25 members of the party board. The 65 members of the unions are distributed according to the number of members.

The Liberal Youth Union, liberal women and liberal students also have their own representatives.

The Liberals have announced a party council on Sunday March 28 to rule on the issue of government on the issue of government after the 2022 elections.

The party board also proposes that L should continue the January collaboration with S, MP, and C until this fall’s budget bill. Thereafter, the cooperation will be terminated under “orderly forms”.

Source: The Liberals
