Criticisms of politicians and celebrities who lead the vaccination queue – News (Ekot)


“The Palestinian Authority has chosen to vaccinate senior officials, politicians and their families, our system is so corrupt,” said Palestinian human rights activist Issa Amro.

As the echo was able to say as early as Wednesday, the Palestinian human rights organization ICHR has documented cases in which vaccines have reached celebrities, relatives of politicians, senior officials, footballers and journalists, while access to vaccines is limited.

So far only 6,000 Palestinians vaccinated against Covid 19, with vaccines from, among others, the World Health Organization WHO and Israel. Israel, which has been criticized by the UN for not contributing to the vaccination of Palestinians, has now begun vaccinating Palestinian workers traveling to Israel and has provided the Palestinian Authority with a series of doses of vaccines that are now accused of the Palestinian Authority to misuse.

The Swedish aid organization Diakonia, has reviewed in a detailed report who is responsible for supplying the vaccine to Palestinians. According to the Geneva Convention and international law, the responsibility lies with Israel, but the 1993 Oslo Accords establish that the Palestinian Authority is responsible for the medical care of the Palestinians.

But according to Joakim Wohlfeil of Diakonia, the responsibility to cooperate during a pandemic rests with all parties.

“International law is clear the civilian population also has the right to healthcare during a conflict and this is a responsibility that rests with the different parties, in this case Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Then it is up to the Palestinian Authority that medical care is provided in a non-discriminatory manner and with the highest medical standard and of course it must prioritize people with high medical needs and not high-ranking politicians and their friends, “Joakim Wohlfeil in Diakonia
