The inmate climbed onto the roof of Boråsanstalten


It was at 12 o’clock on Friday that the man went up to the roof, which Borås newspaper was the first to report. According to Marita Gustavsson, it was through a scaffolding that was used to renovate the institution’s kitchen that the man climbed onto the roof.

– He did it in the form of a protest against employment in institutions and that inmates were forced to take urine samples. He thinks that’s wrong, she says.

For almost eight hours, the man walked on the roof. The institution’s staff and one of the prison service negotiators, who, among other things, are trained to have direct contact with inmates in crisis situations, worked hard to bring him down.

The man has been taken care of

But it was only when one of the other inmates came to speak to the man that he came downstairs. It was about seven thirty on Friday night.

– He is now cared for and in custody. The most important thing for us has been that no one gets hurt and that the man does not jump or fall, says Marita Gustavsson.

Police were not involved in the case and the man is not suspected of any crime. On the other hand, according to Gustavsson, the act of climbing on the roof counts as mismanagement and may take more days within the institution.

– It has been a long day for all and now the investigation work of this incident continues, says Marita Gustavsson.
