With the pandemic we once again had the social pressure of the people | Nicklas Berild Lundblad


Northu When the first year of the pandemic is over, it may be time to step back and examine how it has affected us and our way of seeing the world. It may not be primarily about what we have learned, but what other changes in the world are most evident in light of the pandemic. It is a kind of vision of appearance, as with the old woman who can also be seen as a girl with her head turned, or the well-known duck hare that we can choose to see as a duck or as a hare. The pandemic has revealed aspects of society and the present that we may not have seen so clearly before, or that we choose not to realize as often.

One of these aspects has to do with the deeper structure of our social coexistence. One way to describe it is through the pair of concepts of the sociologist Ferdinand Tönnie Community Y society. Tönnies believed that these two different forms of society differed in how closely connected they are and how we look at each other in them, in Community we live in the coexistence of the people, the dense and open structure where everyone knows everything about others and the life of the individual is a tool for society. IN society We live in the big anonymous city, with loose and anonymous contacts and other people become instruments so that we can achieve our own ambitions.
