Would Sweden be better without mines? |


SCan we allow large-scale irreversible invasions of our nature, to give rise to global growth and technological development? The question arises every time mining companies want the minerals in our soil, and the narrative is almost always the same. Greedy capitalists cling and want to do harm, not infrequently in scenic settings. In Österlen in Skåne, in Kallak and Laver in Norrbotten. In the latter place, late last year, the government rejected Boliden’s plans for a large new copper mine, after four years of reflection. The reason given was that the company lacks sufficient environmental permits, since there is a nature worthy of protection in the vicinity of the projected mine.

It is perfectly fine that mining is surrounded by strict environmental requirements, but no one objects, not even mining companies. What is criticized for Sweden, on the other hand, is its slowness and arbitrariness. No new facts have emerged in Lavermålet, no knowledge has been added that did not exist from day one, but the decision took four years.
