The winter cold cracked the electric cars of the home service | SVT News


The social administration in the municipality of Tranås has fifteen electric cars in its operations. During the winter, there have been problems with eleven of them. Write Tidning of Tranås.

– Of course it is very frustrating when you have to do your job and you don’t get in the way. You may need to make sure the person gets their medication and then sometimes have to stick to certain hours, says Lasse Jansson, the newspaper’s social manager.

Cars are rented in accordance with a specification of requirements specified by the social administration. The requirements specifications and agreements will now be reviewed.

The number of electric cars has increased considerably in the country recently, but it can also cause problems for the electricity grid. More on that in the clip below:

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The number of electric cars has increased by more than 70 percent, exactly in line with the wishes of the state. But it also raises some concerns. Photo: Randi Gitz / SVT / Fredrik Sandberg / TT