New restrictions are introduced in Västra Götaland


The new regional recommendations in Västra Götaland

You should limit the number of new close contacts hanging out only with people you normally know. If you meet other people who are not from your smallest circle, you should avoid being around each other. Spend time outdoors preferably, but remember to keep your distance there as well.

You should avoid places like public transportation, shopping malls and stores if there is a risk of congestion. Choose to buy at times when the minimum number of people are in the store. Stay in the store for as little time as possible and preferably shop without the accompanying company.

Preferably refrain from unnecessary travel. But if you have to travel, make it as contagious as possible. You should wear disposable mouth guards (this applies to people born in 2004 and earlier) when traveling by public transport, always at peak times (7-9 and 16-18) but also at other times, as long as there is a social spread generalized covid-19.

Wear disposable mouth guards in situations where close contact, for a long time indoors, is unavoidable. However, keep in mind that mouth guards do not replace the rule of avoiding close contact and keeping your distance.

Keep working from home as often as you can. In workplaces where homework is not possible, avoid congestion, keep your distance, and try to meet as few as possible. This also applies to coffee rooms and staff rooms. If you have respiratory symptoms, even mild ones, stay home.

Infection control Västra Götaland recommends continuing education in upper secondary school with a maximum of 20 percent local education.

The recommendations apply from today, February 17, and until March 14, 2021 inclusive, with an ongoing reassessment based on the epidemiological situation.

(Source: VGR)
