Liberals want to restart Ringhals 1


On New Year’s Eve, Vattenfall shut down the Ringhals 1 nuclear power reactor on the outskirts of Varberg. However, no demolition has begun, and according to liberals, the reactor can, technically speaking, start relatively immediately, writes SVT Nyheter.

But it is not that simple, according to current legislation, the reactor cannot be used because it has been reported that it is closed to the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority.

Therefore, the Liberals and Nyamko Sabuni propose that the legislation be changed so that the reactor can be started again.

– The law is designed this way because there are parties in the Riksdag that are against nuclear energy, although it is one of the safest and cleanest sources of energy, Nyamko Sabuni tells SVT Nyheter.

According to Sabuni, there is already a lack of power in southern Sweden. And if not remedied quickly, Swedish jobs and prosperity will be threatened, he says, despite the fact that it would take between one and two years to tackle the electricity shortage at a new company.

By bolund (MP): “Who will pay for the party”


Per bolund (M) is essential

But according to the Minister of Environment and Climate for Bolund (MP), a restart would not be reliable, as Ringhals 1 and 2 closed because they were not economically profitable.

“If the Liberals want to start up the nuclear reactors that they have already shut down, I wonder who will pay for the party. Do the Liberals really want the tax money to be used to pay for a nuclear power plant that the owners have already deemed too expensive and too worn to function?writes Per Bolund in a comment to SVT Nyheter.

On December 30, 2019, the closure of the Ringhals 2 nuclear reactor began. Process operator Roger Olsson’s father was involved in the construction of the reactor.
READ MORE: M and L want more and smaller nuclear power plants
READ MORE: The Riksdag voted no to the continuation of the Ringhals operation