On February 1, an Ebola-infected nurse was buried and eight more people present at the funeral presented symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and bleeding. Three of them have since died and four are being treated at the hospital, according to the health minister.
The director of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announces that the organization has received information about two suspected cases of Ebola in Guinea and that the results of the confirmatory tests are ongoing.
During the Ebola epidemic in 2013-2016, 11,300 people died in the region.
Since then, Congo-Kinshasa in central Africa has battled several new outbreaks of the contagious viral disease. As recently as Thursday, the WHO confirmed that another outbreak was occurring, just three months after the last Ebola outbreak in Congo-Kinshasa was declared over.
On average, about half of those infected die, according to the WHO; the proportion of deaths in recent outbreaks has varied between 25 and 90 percent.