Something has exploded in a stairwell door at Hårds väg in Rosengård in Malmö. The blast was heard across much of eastern Malmö.

The door of the three-story house.
The police rushed to the scene. The explosion took place at a stairwell door. The blow was heard at least in eastern Malmö and several people raised the alarm.
– We are there and we have blocked ourselves. The information we have now is that no person has been injured. There is some damage to the building: it is a doorway to a staircase that is damaged and has broken glass. That’s what we’ve found in property damage, says Rickard Lundqvist, a press spokesman at the police command center.
The police have cordoned off the courtyard and are now waiting for forensic technicians, as well as the National Bomb Protection Agency.
– Your task is always to ensure that the place is safe to work. Because something has detonated or exploded, we’re not sure there aren’t more. The task of forensic scientists is to secure the leads we have, says Rickard Lundqvist.
It is not yet clear how the police classify the incident. Presumably, a report will be written on vandalism or general destruction.
The rescue service has also been at the scene. However, nothing began to burn in connection with the explosion.