Democrats are trying to pin President Donald Trump as the sole culprit for the events that led to the assault on Capitol Hill.
I understand their tactics, but it just doesn’t match reality.
For those who follow the Supreme Court, it is obvious that the Democrats are trying to smear and flatter the Republican senators. They are assigned the role of victims of Trump’s incitement.
Previously unknown surveillance footage shows senators fleeing for their lives when mobs enter the congress building armed with baseball bats, sticks, masts, fire extinguishers and other shelters.
Democrats are trying to make them feel like Donald Trump put their lives in danger by urging his supporters to march on Capitol Hill.
When the president saw what the result was, he did nothing to stop the mob. Only after more than three hours did he urge his followers to go home. With the addition “we love you”.
The goal of Democrats, of course, is to get enough Republicans to drop their opposition to overthrowing Trump.
If you just look at the evidence presented, it shouldn’t be that difficult.
Democrats use President Trump’s own words in the form of videos and Twitter messages to convincingly show that he had a complete plan in case he lost the presidential election.
The plan, which began to be implemented several months before the presidential elections in November last year, was to claim electoral fraud in case of loss. He sold it, claiming to his supporters that the only chance that he would lose the election was if they were manipulated by opponents.
Photo: AP
Supreme Court against Trump.
Fomented violence
He made it clear that he would not voluntarily resign power under any circumstances and repeatedly encouraged violence. In the first televised debate with Joe Biden, he asked the white power group Proud Boys to stay ready.
Following how Democratic prosecutors presented piece after piece of the puzzle to Trump’s guilt was like watching a thrilling thriller. This despite the fact that very little information was new.
We have all been able to follow in real time how Trump implemented his plan. Almost everything has happened before the curtain is open. But it’s when everything is intertwined on a timeline, when action adds to action, that his plan and how he generated the ire of his followers becomes so clear.
How you start by appealing election results in court. When judges disapprove of 61 of 62 cases, he instead proceeds to lure and threaten Republican election officials in the wave master states to change the outcome.
When that too fails, he turns himself over to Republican leaders in Congress and calls them cowards and weaklings who don’t fight for his cause. He even singles out his own Vice President Mike Pence as an enemy when he refuses to cancel the election result on the grounds that he lacks the authority to do so.
As the final theme of his own fortune telling opera, Trump is summoning his supporters to the fateful January 6 campaign rally, urging them to march to the Capitol and stop the final approval of Biden’s election victory.
Went underground
Even without the storm, Trump would have deserved to be brought to justice.
What Trump has been doing for months is exactly what he is accusing his opponents of; to try to steal the election. What we see is a slow motion shot attempt.
Most notably, no one tries to stop him. At first, he even has the support of the majority of Republican politicians. As it becomes increasingly clear that it is a big lie that Trump is trying to get the country swallowed, most people turn to silence.
Instead of saying no when Trump with undemocratic and mafia-like methods tries to change the outcome of a democratic election, they go underground and let Trump continue his ugly game.
Perhaps in the hope that it will somehow succeed. Perhaps because they do not openly dare to challenge the president so popular with supporters.
But in the Supreme Court, the responsibility of Republican politicians is lost. Democrats want to focus on Donald Trump and no one else. He sees it as his only chance to get a conviction.
I still don’t think they will.
The only thing that can make members change their attitudes is if Trump supporters when they see the Supreme Court process realize they were duped and exploited and get angry at Trump.
At this time, there is nothing to suggest such an evolution.
Of: Wolfgang Hansson