Social manager at Upplands Väsby closed – vaccination queue rounded


From: Victor stenquist


Several administrators from the Upplands Väsby municipality surrounded the vaccination queue.

Following the Aftonbladet disclosure, social manager Magnus Lublin, 57, was suspended.

– I really think it was indiscriminate, says city director Regina Kevius.

On Monday night, Aftonbladet was able to reveal that several managers at Upplands Väsby were able to round up the queue after being offered the vaccine.

“Surprised and upset”

Now it has had quick consequences.

– I did not know about this and had to start calling and was surprised and upset, says Upplands Väsby municipal director Regina Kevius.

Social worker Magnus Lublin, 57, who claimed that he himself suffered from diabetes, heart problems and high blood pressure, has now been suspended from his job, according to Kevius.

– I think that the action is inappropriate and today I am appointing an external investigation that will verify how it could have happened that the vaccination scheme could have been continued. It affects the confidence of our managers.

Magnus Lublin, 57, has been suspended as Social Manager Upplands Väsby.

Photo: Upplands Väsby Municipality

Magnus Lublin, 57, has been suspended as Social Manager Upplands Väsby.

Why do you think it is inappropriate?

– It is very clear that vaccination should go to those who need it most, the elderly and the sick, those who work in special housing, in the home care service and where there are people who need the vaccine, says Regina Kevius.

Take action

According to the municipal director, the investigation will have to decide what the consequences will be for those people who have not followed the vaccination scheme provided by the municipality.

– We will take disciplinary action, such as written warnings and review how this has been possible. We take this very seriously.


Municipal Director Regina Kevius.

PODD Mutations, Astra Zeneca and global vaccination

Aftonbladet Daily with Farshid Jalalvand, assistant researcher in clinical microbiology at Lund University.

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