He is now the most powerful man in Washington.


The distribution is 50-50 in the United States Senate between Republicans and Democrats after the November elections. In the event of a deadlock, Democratic Senate Vice President Kamala Harris casts the deciding vote. But the man seen as the true wave master is Senator Joe Manchin.

The West Virginia senator has already opposed the party line within the Democrats on several occasions, most recently planning to raise the minimum line. Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to $ 15 an hour, but Manchin refuses to go beyond $ 11. Manchin’s conservative values ​​are causing great frustration among the more liberal Senators of the Democrats, according to CNN.

– It’s kind of a Democratic version of John McCain. I mean this partly as a joke, partly because it’s true. It’s hard to influence Joe. He dances with his own pipe, says Democratic Senator Jon Tester.

“Joe loves being in the center of events”

Manchin’s position of power is clear after the elections. Senator Brian Schatz recently called him “Your Highness.” Manchin has had several two-way meetings with President Joe Biden in recent weeks.

– I have not chosen this position, Manchin has commented on his role as wavemaster.

But some Senate colleagues believe he doesn’t appear to be suffering directly.

– Joe loves to be in the center of events. If you’re not sure what you’re doing, just turn on the television and you’ll be there, says Republican Sen. Shelley Moore Capito.

Manchin has admitted that he often faces elections and playoffs before how he will vote in the Senate. And he does not hide behind a chair because he is often frustrated by the political game in Washington.

“This place sucks,” Manchin said of the Senate.

Republican Senator: “You can trust Joe”

Manchin has already approved several changes to the Biden administration’s stimulus plans in the Senate, most recently in collaboration with Republican Senator Susan Collins. And during the recent Senate marathon session, it was Manchin who made the decision repeatedly, voting with the Republicans.

– You can trust Joe, that’s my experience. If he gives you his word, he will keep it. It cannot be easy for him to be part of a political group where the leader puts enormous pressure on all members to follow the party line, says Republican Senator Susan Collins.

It has even been suggested that Manchin should be a better fit in the Republican Party, and there is no doubt among colleagues who is now the biggest power factor in the Senate.

– Most likely when it comes to voting with Republicans? I’d say Joe, says Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine.

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