Lööf upset with Finance Minister GP


– I do not understand why individual ministers and the government as such do not put more pressure on the authorities. This is something that I highlight in my conversations with Stefan Löfven, Lööf said at a digital press conference after his speech at the municipal days of the Center in Stockholm.

He mentioned in particular the irritation by the Minister of Finance, Magdalena Andersson (S), and the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Ibrahim Baylans (S), as described, the lack of ability to prosecute the authorities who pay the support of the crown and make sure they have the Computer Systems.

He criticized the government’s actions, in general, to limit the spread of the infection and the effects of the pandemic.

– A year after the pandemic, it seems they are still being put to bed. The feeling is that you wait and see, rather than move on, and transfer the responsibility to someone else.

He says that it is not possible to lead the country through the worst crisis of our generation with a “tomorrow-tomorrow policy.”

– Give companies the support they are entitled to, now. Stop hiding behind EU rules or slow authorities. Let’s listen to the noise in empty pockets of restaurants instead of the noise of pots and pans.

– The government must accelerate the pace.

When asked at the press conference to explain how the government should be able to increase the rate of vaccination, he mentioned two things. In part it is about being in the providers, in part about information to anyone who wants or is thinking about a syringe in the arm.

– A coordinated national information campaign should start now, said Lööf.

He wants new climate goals

Annie Lööf also presented a climate report prepared by the party with proposals for a “green restart” and emission reductions. Among other things, this implies a new national target for negative emissions by 2045, a specific investment in hydrogen, which makes it possible to store carbon dioxide in Sweden and introduces a bonus scheme at EU level for those who generate negative emissions. .

– It is too slow, emissions are not decreasing at the rate necessary to reverse the climate crisis.

“Selective hearing”

In his speech, he also draws parallels to the development of violence in the United States when protesters stormed the congress building. What happened in Washington will happen again, and it is also a problem for Sweden, says Lööf.

He criticizes the Swedish democrats who “warn of an existential cultural struggle”.

– Anyone who thinks that the Swedish Democrats have fundamentally changed has a selective hearing or a very short memory.

– Regardless of where these xenophobic forces appear, the Center Party will maintain the border, says Annie Lööf.

Lars Larsson / TT

Niklas Svahn / TT
