Anders Tegnell’s message of joy | Aftonbladet


From: Amanda hallsten


Now comes the message of joy that many were waiting for.

This Easter, we may meet our older relatives again, according to state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.

– If you both received your vaccine doses, then yes.

New information was received on Thursday about who should be vaccinated in phase 2. Among other things, the age group will be raised from 65 to 69 years. Some risk groups are also included in the second phase.

In addition, the availability of vaccines will soon increase. More than a million doses are expected to arrive in Sweden in February, and 1.2 million doses will be delivered in March. According to state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, this means we can count on being able to meet some of our older relatives this Easter, depending on how quickly the regions get the vaccine.

-If they received both doses then, yes. But it will be a bit of a mixed bag, everyone over 65 probably missed their second dose in April, says Anders Tegnell.

Until now, there have been some questions about whether to request vaccination or not. Many older people also wonder if they have to use digital solutions to contact healthcare. As it looks now, it depends on the region you live in.

– In some regions you register and in some regions they call you, says Anders Tegnell.

Photo: ORRE PONTUS / Aftonbladet

New groups of vaccines

On Thursday, the Swedish Public Health Agency published a list of risk groups included in the various phases of the vaccine. According to Anders Tegnell, there is no question which people are included in the different phases, because care must keep track of them.

How do you ensure that those vaccinated are in a certain risk group?

– People must be registered. They are already known in health.

In some cases, family members of people in a risk group will be vaccinated in phase 2. They will also know when it is time to receive the first injection.

– Family members of people in high-risk groups will find out. This is a small selected group that already has close contact with healthcare, says Anders Tegnell.

Are family members included in the vaccination plan in phase 3?

– No. In any case, not phase 3, because then that group will be too big.

What about vaccines for people under 18 who belong to one of the risk groups?

– It will happen continuously, but mostly they will be vaccinated in phase 3. In those cases, you need to carry out an individual medical assessment and weigh the risks against each other, says Anders Tegnell.

Currently, Sweden is still in the first phase of vaccination. 276,008 people have received their first vaccine injection, corresponding to 3.36 percent of the population 18 years of age and older. 44,370 people have received two doses so far.

Photo: Åserud, Lise / TT NEWS AGENCY


