The county administrative board is harshly criticizing Malmö’s chief guardian. The monitoring of the deficiencies of the good men and hundreds of accounts from 2019 have not yet been examined.
In the fall, Sydsvenskan revealed how assembly line employees left the chief warden in Malmö, mostly after dissatisfaction with management. When much of the competition disappeared, wait times increased and business piled up. At the same time, the managers inflated the statistics and gave the impression that the business was doing better and better.

In October, Sydsvenskan revealed how the managers of the main guardian in Malmö ended up on the assembly line.
The County Administrative Board now finds deficiencies in several cases. In twelve samples, the authority finds errors that are so serious that the main guardian receives criticism.
In several cases, it is about checking that good men are poor. Several annual reports lack a basis for withdrawals and liabilities. In one case, no financial report has been requested. It is unclear if this is due to negligence or if Malmö’s vulnerable residents have been misled.
The County Board of Administration criticizes the senior guardian for being passive. Annual reports need to be reviewed within seven months, but many have taken longer.
The problems are much bigger than that. According to the lead tutor, 374 annual accounts for 2019 were not yet ready at the end of the year.
It can be devastating for someone who has a good husband who does not fulfill his mission. Right now, the police are investigating a nice man in Malmö who is suspected of embezzling money for several years without being discovered by the main guardian.

The head of the department, Rebecca Bichis, says they couldn’t hire more because they already had so many new employees.
– The risk increases. If a deputy has misbehaved for any reason, the longer the misconduct can be detected, the more money can go missing, says Fredrik Östensson, a county assessor at the county administrative board.
The main guardian must now provide explanations about the deficiencies and how they handled them.
– The Board of Supervisors should develop a plan to address the issues. Replacing large parts of the workforce in two years is not a success factor, says Fredrik Östensson.
A total of fourteen permanent employees left the unit in 2020, more than half of the workforce.
The head of department Rebecca Bichis is in charge of the business.
Are you surprised that there has been such harsh criticism?
– I was hoping it wasn’t. But I can see that we have a lot to do on this device.
– With the quality improvement process we have implemented, we have taken many steps forward, but it has also meant longer processing times.
Isn’t this related to the poor work environment that led to fourteen employees leaving in 2020?
– Clearly he played a role.
These are random samples. Are you worried about how it will look in all other cases?
– Yes, we find things in the cases that we need to rectify. We need to find a good, quality-assured process where we can maintain a higher level of quality, but also have it completed in time for the good men and managers to be notified.

Zinaida Kajevic (S), Chairman of the Malmö Board of Supervisors.
Why haven’t you hired more before?
– When we saw that we would end up here, we already had many new employees and we felt that we could not accept more. We strengthened the unit with personnel from other units.
Zinaida Kajevic (S), chair of the Board of Supervisors, does not want to comment on the criticism from the county administrative board.
– We will take a closer look at the report in February. So I’m waiting to comment. But it is clear that we take it seriously. It is the body that examines us.
Boss took a break – investigation is ongoing
The investigation into the external work environment that was designated in the fall is still ongoing. Politicians have also decided that all government documents and routines should be reviewed. The unit has been expanded with two services.
After the Sydsvenskan review, the unit director, Karolina Ribbestam, took a break. She is now temporarily placed in the strategic department of administration.
The acting head of unit until last April is Maria Popoola.

Also read “There are no bad days, only people who complain”

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