Two infected during the hotel quarantine | Aftonbladet


Of: TT


The Pullman Hotel in Auckland is a hotel where people arriving in New Zealand are quarantined for two weeks before being released into the community.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Peter Meecham / AP / TT

The Pullman Hotel in Auckland is a hotel where people arriving in New Zealand are quarantined for two weeks before being released into the community. Stock Photography.

Two people have been infected with the South African variant of the coronavirus in New Zealand. They are the first people infected with the coronavirus in the country in more than two months.

It involves an adult and a child who are believed to have been infected at the Pullman quarantine hotel in Auckland, where a woman was found who tested positive this weekend.

– It seems that something happened in Pullman where these people could have come into contact with each other. That investigation continues, the minister responsible for covid-19, Chris Hipkins, tells Newstalk ZB.

None of the hotel residents are allowed to arrive or leave the accommodation during the investigation.

The two who have now been confirmed infected had been in the mandatory two weeks in quarantine, tested negative and were later released into the country. Only then did they test positive for the virus.

All the people who have had close contact with the two people have tested negative.

I’m pretty optimistic, but you never know with these things, says Hipkins.

New Zealand, with some five million residents, has had 25 COVID-19-related deaths and fewer than 2,000 confirmed infected so far during the pandemic, and has been praised for handling the outbreak. In addition to travel restrictions, life continues as usual in the country.

