Monica Lewinsky Brags Loud About Bill Clinton Deal


Linda Tripp’s conversations with Monica Lewinsky about the infidelity scandal led to the Supreme Court lawsuit against Bill Clinton in 1998. Tripp died in the pancreatic cancer suites in April, but her book “A Basket of Deplorables: What I Saw Inside the Clinton White House “” has now been published posthumously.

Much of the book is dedicated to Monica Lewinsky and her sexual relationship with Clinton. Tripp was Lewinsky’s colleague and “told me much more than I wanted to know.”

Tripp writes about how Lewinsky told him that he would attend Bill Clinton’s birthday party at Radio City Music Hall in New York. Lewinsky then confided in Tripp with what he had in mind during the birthday party, despite the attendance of more than 5,300.

“’You’re definitely not going to believe this, but I squeezed his testicles in front of all those people!’ He told me in November and ended with that open laugh that was his hallmark, a flaccidity that was heard everywhere. office “, writes Tripp.

Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton.


Lewinsky called Clinton “the big bulge”

Lewinsky then listed the celebrities who were present.

“But I bet none of them were allowed to squeeze their testicles.”Lewinsky said according to Tripp.

Linda Tripp writes that she mostly thought it was sad how Lewinsky viewed her and the president as having “a secret affair” despite Clinton not even remembering his name after a handful of sexual encounters.

Lewinsky called Clinton “the big bump” when she was mad at him, according to Tripp.

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