Dramatic helicopter movie shows the attack
In the midst of the ongoing police chase after the street race in Stockholm, the driver suddenly turned left.
A police officer on a motorcycle was beaten and, according to the prosecutor, he had an angel on guard.
After the attack, the driver hid under a barn, but was chased from the air.
A patrolled motorcycle police discovered there was a street race, an illegal auto race, north of Stockholm late at night from Walpurgis.
– I looked into the distance when the tires were “burned” and saw two cars driving away at terrible speed down the Norrortsleden heading west, says the police officer in the investigation.
The crowd blocked all behind-the-scenes traffic on the highway and prevented police cars from following them.
Mc police chased by ten cars
Further afield, shortly after, another street race was held.
– I saw a lot of smoke rising into the sky from tires that were badly burned. I heard loud engine noises from V8 engines, says the same policeman.
Another of the police motorcycle patrols managed to hold on to one of the participants, who was driving a converted Chevrolet Camaro.
– I’m going up the back and I am aware that an attempt to stop me will cause a riot as all the other participants will do their best to defend the car behind me.
His colleague witnessed how “a trailer of about ten cars accompanying the Shrimp” followed the motorcycle police.
– Three cars had stopped at the entrance to Stäketvägen. These cars hampered my journey.
The rebuilt Chevrolet Camaro was dumped in a barn in Upplands Väsby township.
Threatened: “Don’t fuck with us”
The hunt lasted a long time and passed through the municipality of Sollentuna and Upplands Väsby.
Meanwhile, the Camarón street racing driver made several attempts to get away from the motorcycle police. At the same time, the “escort cars” signaled to the police officer that he perceived as threatening. One of the vehicles was also “constantly on my back and sniffing.”
– The Volvo pulls out into the approaching lane and then lies parallel to me and I look at it and then lie behind me again and I perceive it as a kind of threat “don’t fuck with us,” police say.
When they were in Stäketleden, the cars made another attempt to shake off the motorcycle police.
– The Volvo and another car come up to me and create an escape route for the street race car. The street race car turns off the lights and speeds towards E4.
But the policeman decided to continue the chase and managed to pass the blocked cars and reach the Camaron.
Hunting on the E4 went up to 170 km / h.
The man in his 60s is charged with various crimes.
“I was afraid for my life”
Later, the Mc Police approached the racing car from the street, and the driver slowed down.
– I stay and watch a few seconds to memorize his face. The driver doesn’t look at me but I see him change his body language and I back up a bit then.
Suddenly they made a joke on him.
– Like a bolt of lightning from the sky, the car turns towards me very abruptly and almost collides with the concrete foundation to my left.
The policeman “almost fell off his bicycle,” but his habit of panic saved him, he says during questioning.
– By a miracle, I manage to stop a few decimeters in front of his car without falling.
The street racing driver “put the gas on the bottom” and fled the scene. At high speed behind came the “accompanying cars”.
The Mc Police felt that “the situation had become more dangerous” and then decided to stop the hunt.
– I felt that here I was going to do very, very badly, I feared for my life and when I go out at the next traffic junction I feel tremors in my body. I’m really cut off so I couldn’t go on but had to go inside to relax.
The Man’s Shrimp is a track car that cannot be used in normal traffic.
“The policeman could die in the worst case”
The driver thought he had got rid of the police.
But the hunt continued from the air. The police helicopter followed him and he was able to watch the man drive to a remote farm outside Upplands Väsby.
There he dumped the race car, ran to a barn and hid under it.
Several police patrols went to the scene, surrounded the building and arrested the man.
The driver, who is 60 years old, is now charged with gross negligence in traffic, attempted aggravated assault on an official and sabotage against blue light operations. At the time of his arrest, he had an electric shock weapon, after which he was also charged with misdemeanor weapons offenses.
About the beating, District Attorney Emmy Palmén says:
– I have considered that it is a very proposed and serious crime. Directing your vehicle towards a person on a motorcycle can have very serious consequences, such as the person hit suffering very serious bodily injuries in a rollover and, in the worst case, death. In the present case, the policeman was very lucky to react quickly and was able to drive his vehicle to avoid a collision, probably also a guardian angel.
The man denies the crime.
The Häggvik tunnel shortly after the excavation.