Stefan Löfven and the others in the government can look forward to a late Christmas present.
Starting at the turn of the year, ministers will receive several thousand kronor extra in the salary envelope.
– It is important that ministers have reasonable salaries, says the chairman of the remuneration committee, Ove Nilsson.
Photo: Lotte Fernvall
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven receives a higher salary.
Both Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and his colleagues in government can laugh right up to the bank.
On January 1, the salaries of ministers increased significantly. Löfven now pays 180,000, a surcharge of SEK 4,000 per month. The other ministers receive 3,000 more, which means that they have a monthly salary of 142,000 SEK.
The decision has been made by the Government Compensation Committee, which, on behalf of the Riksdag, sets the salaries and fees of members of the government.
– Last year, in principle, the setting of wages in the entire labor market was paused, so we did not make any changes. That is why we are doing this now, says President Ove Nilsson.
It has been compared to other governments
In its work, the committee has taken into account the general rate of salary increase and the levels of remuneration that apply to the governments of other countries.
– This means an adjustment of just over 2 percent, which is close to the agreement in the industry, says Ove Nilsson.
– When it comes to government ministers in other countries, it is difficult to compare because it has different benefits. But compared to our neighboring countries, Sweden is roughly in the middle.
► The text is updated