Tuesday caused heavy snowfall in much of the region. During the night until Wednesday, someone or someone seized the opportunity and built a huge snow penis on a roundabout outside Borås.
The roundabout is at the exit of highway 40 towards Dalsjöfors and Äspered. According to motorist Perra Larsson, who saw the snow penis in the morning and who is interviewed at Borås Tidning, it has become a kind of tradition for such a snow sculpture to appear on the roundabout.
– This is the fifth year he’s been there. And I think it’s kind of fun. Since then, there have been very favorable conditions with the snow that fell, Perra Larsson tells the newspaper.
READ MORE: Snopp in the snow became too much for the municipality of Gothenburg
READ MORE: The snowflake spreads all over the world.
Kommunala bolaget: products from the sculpture collection
Helena Alçenius is the CEO of Borås TME, a municipal company tasked with commercializing Borås. He hasn’t heard of the snow penis, but he laughs a lot when he sees images of creation.
– I’m a bit impressed, because it’s not something to be built in the blink of an eye and it should be built on site. It looks well done, I hope you had fun when you did it, she says.
How does this brand affect Borås?
– It probably will not generate long-term value, either positively or negatively. A few years ago, Borås became known as the place in the country where women were sexually happiest. It also got a lot of attention for the time being, but it passed quickly. This is exactly what will fade on its own, I think.
So it won’t be part of Borås’s 400th anniversary celebration?
– We didn’t have time for that, no. A little playful, you may see it as a temporary creation in our sculpture collection.
Swedish transport administration: can be dangerous in traffic
But the snow penis is not just a laughing matter in the traffic environment. It is located in a roundabout that is handled by the Swedish Transport Administration and the sculpture can be dangerous in traffic.
READ MORE: SMHI warns of new snow chaos: trains are canceled
– There should be no posters or artistic expressions that disturb the environment and traffic safety. If we find it during inspections, we remove it. It often ends up in a warehouse with one of our subcontractors, says Sofia Lindahl, press release for the Swedish Transport Administration.
What about large objects made of snow?
– Even things that are made of natural materials can have a detrimental effect on road safety. I assume our contractor in the area has already realized this and in the near future will have removed the snow accumulation.
It does not turn out to be true. At 15 o’clock on Wednesday, the Swedish Transport Administration heard from him again and announced that the contractor had not heard of the snow penis.
– On the other hand, our contact center has received calls that there is something in the roundabout that may affect road safety. Now it’s possible for the contractor to fix this, but weather forces may have done their part during the day, too, says Sofia Lindahl.
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