Insurance companies acknowledge Aftonbladet gender discrimination


Of: TT


A woman canceled her trip due to a miscarriage, but was denied compensation by the insurance company.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT

A woman canceled her trip due to a miscarriage, but was denied compensation by the insurance company. Stock Photography.

An insurance company now admits it was discrimination when it denied a woman compensation for a pregnancy-related illness, writes the Ombudsman Against Discrimination (DO) in a press release.

The woman had booked a trip in which travel insurance was included in the purchase, but became pregnant after booking and had a miscarriage before departure. The abortion caused illness and the woman received a medical certificate advising her not to travel.

Despite this, the insurance company denied her compensation, claiming that the insurance terms stated that no compensation would be paid if the cancellation is related to the pregnancy.

The General Board of Complaints (ARN) and the DO have ruled that the condition is contrary to the Discrimination Law and that it is a matter of gender discrimination.

“Maintaining clearly discriminatory conditions in this way is serious because it can discourage women from claiming the compensation to which they are entitled. I assume other insurance companies with similar conditions will now remove them,” says anti-discrimination ombudsman Lars Arrhenius .

The insurance company has now admitted that it was discrimination and must pay SEK 50,000 in compensation to the woman.

