Kjell Wilhelmsen on the dead son in Stjärnorna in the castle


It says in “The stars in the castle”

Of: Petter J Larsson


Charlotte Perrelli's tears in

Photo: SVT

Charlotte Perrelli’s tears in “The stars in the castle.”

Kjell Wilhelmsen’s son was about to be born when he died in utero.

The tragedy causes Charlotte Perrelli, 46, to collapse in “The Stars in the Castle” on Saturday.

– I myself have been very affected by this type of miscarriage, says the artist on the SVT program.

In “Stars in the Castle” on Saturday is the actor Kjell Wilhelmsens day. He brings Hi Rapace, Shima niavarani, Ernst billgren and Charlotte perrelli in skeet shooting and offers mashed sausages – a true Gothenburger cooked a lot during a stint working at a sausage kiosk.

– I was able to prepare a special medium in nine seconds, says Wilhelmsen on the show.

Died before being born

The 53-year-old also shares some of the darkest moments of his life. His sister Tone he died suddenly of acute pneumonia and he himself has fought a long battle with cancer that he hopes to rid himself of in May.

Photo: SVT

Kjell Wilhelmsen tells of the son who died just before he was born in “The Stars in the Castle.”

In the fall of 2009, Wilhelmsen and his ex-partner were Ulrika He had his second child, but Valdemar died shortly before he was born.

– They send us home from the hospital with a dead Valdemar in the stomach, he says.

– We got home and my seven-year-old daughter Saga is happy with all this. The cart we bought is in the hall. That is completely absurd. Then we get up in the morning and start Ulrika. Then Valdemar comes out, and that silence, in that room, when he has left …

Perrelli crying

When he talks about the pain, tears come to him, especially for Charlotte Perrelli, 46.

– I myself have been very affected by this type of miscarriage – missed abortion (a type of miscarriage) when the baby dies in the womb, many times. Then I can relate to the pain, to the pain. He’ll probably carry it with him for the rest of his life, says the Eurovision winner on the show.

Wilhelmsen and Ulrika had lived apart for a while, but the pain brought them closer, he says. They were both past 40, but tried for a long time to get pregnant again. At the same time, the family moved to Thailand, where Wilhelmsen would record one of his most famous roles: Glenn in the SVT series “30 degrees in February.”

– It hadn’t gone well at all. We are 43 and 44 years old too. And then we go down to Thailand in January and a week later she is pregnant.

“He is with me”

After nine months of anxiety, the couple’s second child, Mira, was born.

– We were very serious until we could hear the heartbeat. Then you relax, says the actor.

– She was so longed for.

Offer a toast to your children. Valdemar is still with him too, even during his day at the castle, he says.

– When we go to bed tonight, Valdemar and I, he is with me. And he’ll probably whisper in my ear that “you did well, dad.”

“The stars in the castle” is broadcast on Saturday at 8:00 p.m. on SVT1 and SVT. Play.


