Dan Eliasson resigned after the massive criticism directed at him, as head of MSB, choosing to travel to the Canary Islands during Christmas. It’s entirely reasonable that your actions have consequences, says Annie Lööf, who comments on the message. Twitter.
“Just a reasonable decision. The head of the authority responsible for national crisis preparedness should set a good example and follow the recommendations that exist. “
SD leader Jimmie Åkesson also welcomes the decision.
“This was certainly not a day too early,” he writes.
Liberal party leader Nyamko Sabuni writes in a Facebook post that “under the circumstances, it is a reasonable decision” for Eliasson to request to leave office.
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In recent days, criticism of Eliasson’s actions has increased and M leader Ulf Kristersson and KD’s Ebba Busch Thor have filed demands for resignation.
“If he had led the Swedish government, he would not have accepted that the head of the country’s crisis preparedness authority first preaches to the people that one must give up everything that is not necessary and then oneself … leave the country. when the crisis worsens, “Kristersson wrote on Facebook earlier this week. He also wrote that M would act to call Eliasson to the Justice Committee if he did not resign.