Of: Matilda Aprea Malmqvist
Alexander, 22, and Oskar, 19, organized a hockey night with 11 other temporary workers in Vemdalen. The following day, the 13 were fired by Skistar on the grounds that they were considered a risk to the work environment.
– Naturally, I was surprised, it is strange to regulate the free time of your employees, says Alexander.
Photo: Bildbyrån
Sweden lost the match against Finland on January 2 and came out of the junior WC.
After Aftonbladet’s reveal about Skistar, several of the 13 seasonal workers have heard from him and want to tell their version of what happened Saturday night that led to all of them being fired.
– I want to start by being clear that this was definitely not a party, says Alexander Ek, one of the 13 who were fired.
Alexander Ek, 22, and his roommate Oskar, 19, work on the same lifting team as the other 11 on Saturday. He says they hang out every day because they work together at the same time.
– Tonight was the youth hockey toilet that we decided to watch together in Oskar and I’s booth.
He says the level of intoxication was low. Some drank a few beers, others nothing because then they would return to their cabins.
According to information from Aftonbladet, seven of them were sitting around the kitchen table, seven in the TV room and three in one of the bedrooms when Skistar’s destination manager and two men from a security company entered the room. cabin. The five in addition to the 13 were relatives of one of the temps.
– It was 10 at night when they suddenly went up. Our boss scolded us and said he was disappointed that we met in our spare time.
Skis patrolled the area – reacted to the number of cars
The boss said that everyone who was not in the cabin should leave immediately and that none of us would be allowed to work the next day, says Alexander.
– We did not want to aggravate the situation but we stayed calm and everyone went home. I asked how they came here and they told me that they had patrolled the area and saw that there were many cars outside the cabin.
The next day, the 13 had a meeting with their managers and Skistar CEO Stefan Sjöholm. They were to be fired with immediate effect and had 24 hours to move and leave town.
– Of course I was surprised and disappointed, but I also thought. At the same time, I was able to partly understand the frustration that the managers felt. But this became so exaggerated.
“Given the current situation with the corona pandemic, we see this type of violation of internal rules as a risk to the work environment. So the employee who doesn’t follow the rules can pose a danger to himself, his colleagues, guests he meets, and other people in the city or community. In the event of such a breach, an individual interview will be conducted with the employee in question, including a risk assessment, and then appropriate action will be taken, in this case he is fired from his job, “wrote the CEO of Skistar in an internal email.
Refuses to leave the cabin: right to receive notification
But none of the 13 received a single call, according to Alexander. He believes that the incident in Åre, where 40 employees gathered in a booth, caused Skistar to act like them.
– The difference is that they were not fired, but a warning. Why didn’t we get it?
Alexander and Oskar are the only ones of the 13 who have not left their cabins, despite the promise to leave in 24 hours.
– We have a rental agreement and we are entitled to a 14 day notice. So we stick around and Skistar knows it, even if they don’t like it.
Both have also filed a police report that Skistar entered the cabin without permission.