The least infection in Sweden: “People take care of themselves”


In recent times, Norrbotten has been the region with the fewest infections per capita. – We have tried to communicate with a simple message: just keep your distance, says the region’s infection control doctor, Anders Nystedt.

Many in Norrbotten are within six feet of each other, including at Pajala 2016, when this photo was taken.Image: Fredrik Sandberg / TT

With 407 confirmed infections per 100,000 residents in the past two weeks, Norrbotten is clearly below the national average of 872 infected. But earlier this year, the picture was completely different.

– We had a real blast in Gällivare in May and June. It had very difficult consequences, several deaths. We were pretty tough for a while, says Anders Nystedt.

But the explosion in Gällivare also led to good things, according to the infection control doctor.

– It was an alarm clock. Many understood that this is serious, he says.

In October and early November, the infection continued to increase significantly in Norrbotten. But on November 10, the region received local general councils.

– Then I experienced that the people of Norrbotten set up the farm in a very good way and I understood that it is perfectly possible to live at a distance, says Anders Nystedt.

Even during the Christmas and New Years holidays, the crowd has been absent. One explanation, Anders Nystedt believes, is that the region has focused on a simple message.

– There have been many changes in the national councils, many have experienced it as complicated. We said: keep your distance, two meters, and it will be fine.

Norrbotten’s sparse population has of course contributed, the county is, along with Jämtland Sweden, the least densely populated in Sweden. But citizens have also acted differently than in other parts of Sweden, according to Anders Nystedt.

– People have been a little more patient at Norrbotten: “It’s okay to skip this party.”

In the health sector, the situation is still tense, although the need for care for covid-19 was greater in early December.

– The Christmas weekend has been bearable, we have been able to receive individual intensive care patients from other regions, comments Anders Nystedt.
