Photo: Karin Törnblom
These are tough times for many companiesAnd even influencers are not spared financial difficulties! In a post on Instagram, Kenza says that her clothing brand Ivy Revel has been forced into bankruptcy after a long period of financial trouble. Reports Aftonbladet Nöje.
“We needed to say goodbye to our company Ivyrevel, with which we have worked so hard since 2012. We were just not strong enough to overcome our financial problems during the pandemic, so yesterday we sent the newspapers.”
Of course, bankruptcy is never fun, But I have yet to say that eight years is a long time compared to many other influential companies that have gone to their grave! Considering that Isabella Löwengrip managed to run 11 companies in 11 years, it can still be said that 8 years with the same company is something Kenza should be proud of. She made clothing collections even before anyone knew what an influencer was!
Therefore, the corona virus has not only destroyed the vacation trips of influencers, but also their companies. Now Kenza instead looks to the future and actually sees bankruptcy as a lesson.
“It had been so difficult to realize and accept that we could not save our company, because it was not only up to us, but I refuse to see it as a failure, but more as a lesson and something that I will have with me. in the future.”
It remains to be seen what Kenza will come up with in the future., but there will probably be no need for her in private. In 2019, Breakit reported that there was 14 million in cash in Kenza Zouiten AB, so we can only hope that it all works out in the end. That Ivy Revel is no longer there, of course, is a loss, but lucky she has more legs to stand on!
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