Mutation of South Africa and Great Britain in Stockholm


Of: Adam westin


The Stockholm region has identified cases of the most contagious new variants of the coronavirus.

There are three cases of the virus variant in the UK and one case in South Africa.

“They all refer to people who have lived in these countries,” writes the Stockholm Region.

New mutated variants of the coronavirus have been found in Stockholm, the region announces in a press release.

There are three cases from the UK and one from South Africa.

– Of course, it was not unexpected that these new mutations were also detected here in Stockholm, says Maria Rotzén Östlund, infection control doctor in the Stockholm region, in the press release.

A total of 12 cases in Sweden

The infection control doctor says that infection monitoring was carried out according to routines as soon as people tested positive for COVID-19, and that people were asked to isolate themselves.

On the second day of Christmas, the first case of the UK’s new mutated coronavirus was reported in Sweden.

The Swedish Public Health Agency announced yesterday that 11 cases of the British variant of the virus and one case of the South African variant have been discovered in Sweden. The cases reported by the Stockholm Region are included in that figure, says the Aftonbladet press service.

Photo: Janerik Henriksson / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY

“70 percent more contagious”

The Stockholm Region writes that the new variant has been linked to increased infectivity, but that there is no indication that it causes more serious disease.

The UK variant has been described as 70 percent more contagious.


