Agriculture: Protecting hollowed-out beaches threatens food supply


It was reported on December 14 the beach protection investigation that was designated as a result of the January agreement ¹. In general, the research proposes that it should be easier to build near the beach, especially in rural areas. The protection of the beach, which is part of the right of public access, is there to guarantee everyone’s right to our beaches and waterways. What the research proposes is, therefore, a way of granting people rich in capital the right to our common resources. In addition, increased speculation and rural exploitation mean the destruction of biodiversity and food security.

The proposal was immediately criticized in an article signed by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, WWF, Friluftsfrämjandet, the Swedish Tourism Association and Sportfiskarna, posing the threat to the right of public access and plant and animal life². On the other hand, they are not against the relaxation of beach protection per se, but are mainly focused on the threat to beaches near urban areas and natural values. They have “no objection to facilitating construction in sparsely populated areas, but it should take place where there are many beaches and where protected natural environments are not at risk of damage.”
