Commuter train personnel threaten a wildcat strike


A dispute between the union and the employer on Pågatågen, Skånetrafiken’s local and regional trains, has been going on for some time. The dispute concerns employment conditions, including so-called planning, where the company unilaterally wants employees to reduce their working hours and pay.

On Tuesday, Chief Security Representative Ola Brunnström was offered two annual salaries to leave his post. Ola Brunnström is widely recognized for fighting for the members’ cause and now a group of members has formed a strike committee to support their representative.

– What made the cup overflow for all of us is this attack on the right of association, the real crime of doing so. Ola Brunnström is a chief security representative, he must be protected by the shop stewards law, says a member of the newly formed strike committee for HD and Sydsvenskan.

Meeting on monday

On Monday, the chief safety representative and the employer, Arriva, will have a meeting. If Arriva fires Brunnström’s job after that, a large group of employees threatens to go on a wildcat strike.

The Seko union believes the employer’s intention is to silence safety representatives and union representatives working for the work environment and member safety, according to an email sent by Seko’s head of planning and communication, Jonas Pettersson. , to Sydsvenskan.

At the same time, the union does not have the opportunity to support the strike and urges its members not to participate. The union can only notify a strike when there is no collective agreement.

READ MORE: Woman fired – now demands 200,000
READ MORE: 300 Pågatågen employees are notified of the dismissal
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