MP debate: the wolf tribe is not ready for license hunting


County administrative boards in Gävleborg, Värmland and Västmanland / Örebro have decided the authorized hunting of a total of 24 individuals of wolf between January 2 and February 28, 2021. The Green Party does not believe that this endangered species under strict protection of the EU Species and Habitats Directive is stable enough and lives up to a favorable conservation status where a licensed hunt of 24 individuals can be allowed. With a licensed hunt, the tribe runs the risk of ending up near or below the 300 wolf benchmark, a benchmark that for legal and scientific reasons should be set much higher.

The isolation of the Swedish wolf population, a high level of illegal hunting and its minimal population is problematic because it originates only in five immigrant wolves. In 33 years, the inbreeding rate has only decreased by 1 percent and is now 24 percent, equivalent to sibling mating. The failure of management to strengthen the genetic status of the strain is a major threat to the long-term survival of the species. Given that few unrelated wolves migrate from the east, and even fewer manage to survive without being caught in protective hunting or extensive illegal hunting, and few cubs are successful, the situation is extremely worrying.
