The expert: fast clay is also in Sweden


Of: TT


Ash in Gjerdrum after the great landslide.

Photo: Jil Yngland

Ash in Gjerdrum after the great landslide.

The large landslide in the Norwegian Gjerdrum may have been caused by the presence of rapid clay in the area. It is a clay with special properties.

– If something happens that shakes the clay, it becomes like a flowing mush, says HannaSofie Pedersen of the Swedish Geotechnical Institute.

Fast clay is also found in Sweden, especially in western Sweden and around Lake Vänern. But the Swedish Geotechnical Institute, SGI, works together with, among others, the Swedish Civil Contingency Agency, MSB, to prevent landslides.

Sensitive to landslides

– We do everything possible to avoid landslides. What has happened in Norway is the worst that can happen: that there is a landslide in an area where houses and roads are dragging. And in the worst case, people are injured, says HannaSofie Pedersen, head of the climate adaptation department at the Swedish Geotechnical Institute.

She explains that fast clay is a type of clay with special properties that make it more sensitive to landslides.

– If you get a little quick clay landslide, you can alter the clay so that the landslide is eaten upside down and can be very extensive. But fast clay is not dangerous on its own, but only in combination with the fact that there is a sensitivity to landslides in the area, says HannaSofie Pedersen.

She emphasizes that the Swedish Geotechnical Institute, SGI, actively works with the problems of landslides and landslides and carefully maps sensitive areas, where there is a risk of landslides and landslides. Additionally, both SGI and MSB pay grants continuously so that municipalities can take steps to reduce the risk of landslides.

Systematic work

– Much preventive work is being carried out so that municipalities can monitor where sensitive areas are located. We also support all county administrative boards in their work with general plans and detailed plans to avoid building in areas that are geotechnically sensitive, says HannaSofie Pedersen.

It is difficult for him to say how big the risk of a large landslide like the one in Gjerdrum in Sweden will occur.

– It is not possible to describe this risk. But we work systematically in Sweden to avoid landslides.

