Record number of calls to Kvinnofridslinjen | Bohusläningen


Are you or someone close to you exposed to violence in a close relationship? Here is a selection of places you can go for help and support.

Important: Always call 112 in an emergency. You can also contact the social services or social services of your municipality through the emergency number.

Protection line for women (020-50 50 50, 24 hours a day)

A national helpline for those who have been victims of physical, psychological and sexual violence. Family and friends can also call.

All women’s houses (08-644 09 20, Monday to Friday 9-17)

Provides sheltered temporary housing for people who have been victims of close relationship violence and honor-related violence It receives women, men, their children and accompanying animals with placement through social services.

Roks (

Sweden’s national organization of women’s shelters and girl’s shelters brings together shelters throughout Sweden, some of which offer protected housing. Find the hotline closest to you through the Rok website. Click “find an emergency”.

Unizon (

Collect more than 130 women’s shelters, girls’ shelters and other support activities. The website contains contact information for emergency services throughout Sweden, some of which offer sheltered accommodation. Click “search on guard”.

Crime Victims Support (116006, every day from 9 AM to 7 PM)

Provides support to crime victims, witnesses and family members.

Qjouren (08-644 20 32)

A women’s shelter for battered women with experiences of abuse and prostitution.

RFSL support reception (020-34 13 16, Thursday at 9-12)

Support for LGBTQI people who have been subjected to abuse, threats and violence. The RFSL support desk also manages protected housing in the Stockholm area.
