Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) visited a store in Kungsgatan on December 23. This is confirmed by his press secretary, according to P3 News.
The shopping round goes against the prime minister’s call to the Swedes to avoid unnecessary visits to stores that were made at the government press conference on December 18.
“The prime minister was looking for a replacement part for his knife,” wrote his press secretary in a text message to P3 Nyheter.
Damage to trust
The action surprises Marja Lemne, a political scientist at the University of Södertörn:
– Given the severe tone of the Prime Minister in his directives to the Swedish people, I am very surprised when I hear that he has gone shopping again.
Confidence in government and authorities risks falling in the long term, according to her:
– Not just for Stefan Löfven and the current government. Historically, we have had a high level of trust in our leaders. This runs the risk of damage for a long time. This is difficult to repair, he says, noting that turnout in the 2022 parliamentary elections may suffer.
Lemne believes that the people should demand a lot from the country’s leaders:
– Politics is a trusted industry. The whole focus has been that everyone should take responsibility and then I think the same demands can be made of the leading politicians.
Purchasing politicians
This was not the first time that a representative of the Swedish government broke up his own call.
Already on December 20, Löfven was seen in the city. This time he visited the Gallerian in Stockholm. The purpose, according to press secretary Mikael Lindström, was to “pick up something sent.” However, he emphasizes that the Prime Minister “has followed the advice of the Public Health Agency and his own calls.”
Justice Minister Morgan Johansson (S) has also moved through the city. From Monday to Friday, he would visit a shopping center in Lund, something that he later admitted was “sloppy”.
According to opposition leaders, it has been surprisingly quiet, believes the political scientist.
– Is seriously. A democracy requires both a legal and an active opposition to function, says Lemne.
The leader of the Liberal party, Nyamko Sabuni, was also found outside the Christmas shop in Täby C. The incident occurred the day after the strict councils were announced.
Earlier this fall, the leader of the Christian Democracy party, Ebba Busch, also broke the recommendations of the Public Health Agency when she participated in a birthday party.
Jesper Karlsson / TT