Several researchers at Linnaeus University are currently developing a new type of antibody test. A test that could provide even more information than those currently used. The new antibody test also provides a rapid response in just 15 minutes.
Researchers have seen that using the test can measure how well a person’s immune system would react to COVID-19 and other types of viruses and bacteria. It can also show how a person would respond to a vaccine. According to the researchers, it can be helpful in deciding who should get vaccinated.
More accurate measurement of antibodies
The Linnaeus University research group, together with the bioassay company Attana, has developed the antibody test, which will be able to provide a much more accurate measurement.
AVA, or Attana Virus Analytics as the diagnostic platform is called, ensures a correct antibody test and also gives an idea of how long a possible immunity would last.
– Our vision is a general diagnostic platform that is not only relevant right now, during the current pandemic, but also serves an important purpose in the future, says Teodor Aastrup, Attana CEO, in the press release.
Decision makers, authorities and companies could use the more specific antibody test to facilitate various decisions on restrictions, vaccines and recommendations, the researchers say.